wipe your feet really good on the rhythm rug.


Speaking Through Art: Part IV - Sound of Music continued...

There is music...
an then there is music as  a r t.

I think there is a  -  difference  -  between the two. 

There are songs that you can listen to, sing along and relate to...

& then there are those that completely consume you that you can't help but become a part of it.


All That You Are

To have pity towards someone is to look down on them.
To have pity is to feel sorry for that person.

This video I want to share with you really shines a light on the direction i want to go in life.

I hope it does the same for you.

..and when you watch it, the only person I want you to have pity for is yourself.

Because if you got 2 arms and 2 legs and you don't act the way this beautiful man does right here,

then thats completely pitiful on your part!



Speaking Through Art: Part III - Sound of Music

I spent a desperately needed long weekend at my best friends cottage and finally got the chance to clear my head and think of a few things. A cottage is always a perfect and quiet place to do these kind of things, and i really got myself thinking about SOUND

I woke up on the Sunday morning at 7:30 am and the weirdest thing happened. 
Most of the time i have BAD cases of writers block but when i don't, my brain can spill out more stuff than niagara falls. When these moments do occur i HAVE to get everything out as soon as possible because i'm afraid my brain will close up again. So...

on my blackberry after 5 minutes of waking up, i wrote a 800 word write up about sound in complete silence. 
Ironic isn't it?